I have been diagnosed with Erosive Arthritis. But all the joints are affected by pain; hands, wrists, shoulders, very bad in neck, feet, knees, lower back and to some extent hips. Can erosive do this? this past few months the knuckle joints (3rd set up is swelling and sore) which I thought was RA. I do not have ANA and I have low counts and receive IGG every 6 weeks for 10 years. Complicated – but do you think any of this can be RA – Last year and previous years I was on RA meds with no help – made my immune system break down but when I went off them my pain got worse. Thank you for your help.
Are you receiving IV gammaglobulin for the condition called hypogammaglobulinemia? This is associated with arthritis and in some cases it is erosive. We can’t give you any advice on treatment of your condition on-line. We would have to see you and evaluate you.