I was recently diagnosed with gout, after suffering unknowingly for 15 years. I always had attacks in my knees, but grew up with Osgood Schlatter’s Disease, and a “torn” cartlidge football knee, so I always thought the attacks were part of that scenario. in 2000, I had my first attack in both big toes, and went to a podiatrist, who first told me. It was only a week or so after that my knee flared up also. I went to my Dr. who really didn’t do anything. ANYWAY, now it’s been another few years and my pain in my joints has moved to excruciating pain, all over. The kind that makes you yell out, cry, almost suicidal. What do I do, see a specialist? I worked construction all those years, (and more), now I can hardly get out of bed, and I’m afraid I’ve permanently damaged myself internally.
Gout is among the most treatable types of arthritis. Except in cases where treatment is not tolerated, with proper treatment, pain and disability can almost entirely be prevented. See our article on gout for more details. Although many general medicine physicians do a fine job of treating gout, many do not. Given your prior bad experience, you might want to see a rheumatologist to make sure you are on the right track.