I have osteoarthritis of both knees and have been told I am too young for knee replacements, age is almost 50 years. I thought that possibly there is a treatment with an insertion of a pad, much like what would be use for implants that could be inserted in the area between the bones (where it is without space)and create a new cushioning space. Is this possible? What should I do at 50? I have an active teenager and need to get around! Thanks so much for your time. Oh, I am female & will also soon be challenged with menopause.
There are partial knee replacements and realignment of the knees with a procedure called an osteotomy. Make an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon that specializes in total joint replacement to discuss if you would be candidate. Don’t forget to maximize the conservative measures– physical therapy, weight loss, exercise, NSAIDs, analgesics and hyaluronic acid injections.