I have some questions about a couple of different kinds of arthritis. According to the local emergency room, I have “strep arthritis”. My regular doctor, whom they told me to follow up with said I had “post infectious arthritis” but then wrote that I have “post inflammatory arthritis”. I am so confused as to what is the true diagnosis and how to figure that out. I’ve been trying to get in to another doctor for a second opinion but haven’t had any luck so far. Further information that might help is that my streptozyme level was positive. My STZ Titer is 200. My throat culture for strep was negative. My SED Rate is 33. My White Blood Cell count is normal as are all other blood tests at this time. Symptoms include sudden onset, severe pain in the shoulders, knees and several minor joints (ankles, wrists, elbows, etc.) about two weeks ago now. The pain sort of floats around and does not stay steady in one joint but is predominately in the shoulders every day. With pain medication the pain is tolerable but not gone. Without pain medication I cannot even undress myself. Any help anyone could give me is appreciated.
I can’t comment directly on your situation, but here are some general concepts. Arthritis can develop after a strep infection. Usually the infection is a throat or upper respiratory infection. Joint pain and swelling occurs 2 to 4 weeks AFTER the infection and is related to your body’s immune response to the infection. Anti-inflammatories are used and in general the arthritis improves over a 6 week period of time. If symptoms persist, I would try to see a rheumatologist.