I have been having pains and swelling in my joints since may. Saw my family doctor and she diagnosed it as arthritis but it did not respond to anything she did. Saw a rheamotologist on Tuesday, he says it is rheumatoid arthritis. He put me on hydroxychloroquine 200 mg, methotrexate 2.5 mg, prednisone 5 mg, and folic acid 1 mg. My question is as i am only 30 years old and work with 14 toddlers mon-fri I was wondering when I may feel some relief and be able to move without so much pain. Thanks for any information.
You may get relief from the prednsione fairly soon, usually within the first few days. Methotrexate takes 4 qweeks to have an effect. Hydroxychloroquine can take from 6 to 12 weeks.