Arthritis News
Seasonal Flu & Novel H1N1 Flu Vaccinations – 2009 / 2010
Clifton Bingham, MD and Vicky Ruffing, RN discuss the Seasonal and Novel N1N1 flu and potential impact on the rheumatology community. Information is focused on the immunizations, delivery systems, and targeted populations.
Vertebroplasty not Superior to Placebo for the Treatment of Painful Osteoporotic Fractures
Swefot Trial Suggests Adding TNF Inhibitor Better than Triple Therapy in RA Patients who do not Rapidly Respond to Methotrexate
Initial combination therapy has been shown to be superior to step-up combination therapy in groups of RA patients; however, these findings are difficult to reconcile with the observation that many RA patients will have complete remission of disease on methotrexate alone. Practice patterns tend to emphasize initial treatment with methotrexate monotherapy, followed by the addition of other agents in combination for those with inadequate responses.
FDA Safety Review Recommends Updated Labeling for TNF Inhibitors
Study Suggests that Genes and Environment Influence the Risk of Developing Rheumatic Disease