Does a good diet help?
Alternative Therapies for Arthritis
Wlking and Oteoarthritis
What type of walking regimen is recommended for someone with OA of the knee?
Osteoarthritis of the hip
I am a 44 year old female and have been experiencing right hip pain since 2001. I excercise vigorously 6-7 hours per week alternating between spinning class, stationary bike and elyptical trainer. I also participate in strength training 2-3 times per week. My pain is persistent throughout the day worst with weight bearing activities such as climbing steps. I am currently taking ibuprophen 1800 mg per day and glucosamine condroitin with hilaronic acid which does not relieve the pain. The only time I am truly pain free is at rest. An orthopeodist performed a plain film diagnosing me with arthritis, recommended that I continue my current activity and prescribed Peroxicam 20mg a day – I took this for a month and found it to not help at all. My question is regarding my current activity. Literature supports excercise but could I be doing more harm than good? Have I been diagnosed accurately? I feel that I am extremely young to be having this much pain. Would appreciate your perspective and suggestions.
Alternative Therapies for Scleroderma
Is it advisable for someone with scleroderma to use only alternative methods such as vitimans, herbs, and natural health products for treatment and refuse any and all approved drugs for treatment.
Weight and Knee pain
I have very bad knee pain. I’ve had the Halygen shots and they worked well for a while. I know I need to lose weight but dieting alone doesn’t work for me. Exercise alway has but everytime I try to excercise my knees hurt. It’s a catch 22. What, specifically, do people do in these cases?
HYALGAN injection usage for AS
Hi, my diagnose is Ankylosing Spondilitis (AS). In the beginning I had a pain in the knee and hip joints. Than it moved to my neck and to the small of my back. First time that happened in 1993 when I was 20. At the moment the most of my time I don’t feel too much pain. But after some stress situation AS is being activated and at that time I need to use some medicaments (indomethacin and others). Also I’ m using bosswelia serata (Sallaki) which helps me a lot. 2 years ago my doctor (rheumatologist) prescribed my the injections HYALGAN and since than I received a lot of those injection in my knees and my hips. I don’t know how much those injections helped me, but they are really expensive. This is why I would like to ask you is it really necessary to me to use those injection to treat AS? I have read that those injection can be prescribed only for osteoarthritis of the knee. Is that true?