My husband has AS and we have been trying to decide what kind of bed would be most ideal for him. We’ve heard mixed reviews about the Tempur-pedic and good reviewes about the Sleep Number beds, but they are incredibly expensive. Are these kinds of beds really best for AS or is there something we should look for that is ideal for his condition? Thank you.
Ankylosing Spondylitis Q & A
Migratory Reactive Tendonitis?
I am waiting to see a Rheumatologist, as appointments in my area are booked up over two months in advance. For 2 months, in the evening I have acute tendon pain (unilateral, each night somewhere different.) Wrist, thumb, knee, foot, shoulder, elbow. By morning it is always gone. All of my bloodwork came back normal–no to Lyme’s, 3 negative RA tests, no gout, no increased sed rate or sign of infection. My colon feels distended, and I have gained 10 pounds in the last month, which is very, very unusual for me. NSAID’s Mobic is not helping (21 days), now my family doctor wants to prescribe Celebrex.
Synvisc effective when patient has bone on bone in the joint?
I had a severe left knee injury at age 17 that resulted in cartilage removal from the inside of the joint (instep side) and removal of the ACL ( torn completely). Now 31 years later – of bone on bone wear – I have started having fluid build up and pain. Clinic I am at attempted cortizone which resulted in 3-4 weeks of relief before symptoms returned. Now I am two days away from a 3rd Synvisc shot ( 3/3). At each treatment, the knee is drained ( 140 cc, then 40 cc). I have received no relief from the Synvisc. Fluid builds up within hours, the joint mobility is limited and unstable. I can hobble around some and I am able to oeprate with 1 crutch at times. Is this result understood with Synvisc? Is Synvisc only intended to be used on patients with cartilage in their joints? My physician doesn’t seem to have an answer.
Are DMARDs Safe?
I am 35 years old now and was diagnosed with Reiter’s syndrome in 2003, hospiatlized with severe right sacroiliac pain. Presently I am on NSAIDs and short courses of prednisone to treat the flares. These worked until recently when my right sacroiliac joint and the surronding areas are stiff and hurt a lot. I want to go on long term treatment with one of the DMARDs, but am hesitant due to the side effects these might produce. How safe are these DMARDs in treating the disease and duration of use? Will I be able to go on them for 15 or 20 years without critically damaging my system? Are biologics better? I have read that biologocs can cause lymphoma and trigger other serious infections? Your response is greatly appreciated.
Allopurinal continuation
My name is Michele and I am writing because my 70 year old father cannot get answers from his physician. Dad is an open heart patient, onset diabetic, is on blood thinners because of blood clot in his body, he has double vision for the second time, a few other things but the main reason I’m writing to to ask about his gout, He had gout a year ago and was given medication, well when he felt better he quit taking the medication, now it came back, he’s back on the medicine Allopurinal, however he wants to know how long he has to take it? Forever? If you cannont answer the question because of liability, could you send me to an information web site I can trust?
hla-b27 positive on female
45y/o,f,with severe back pains. Positive HLA-B27,SS-A,SS-B and minimal Deg.changes in LS-spine.This is a tall nurse with Dry eyes and mucosas. Currently not responding to NSAID,COX2,Tylenol,heat,PT. Is Immunosuppressants indicated?