I recently had brohitist( severe cold ) as part of the treatment I was givin two steriod shots within a 2 week period and also had to take prednisone 10MG that lasted for 5 weeks 3 times a day. Then when the medicine was out, I was taken off, no smaller dose, or nothing to replace it. I was just done, NOW about a 3 days later, I am having terrible muscle spasming in both my legs which are VERY PAINFUL!! and charlie horses in the bottom of my feet these two are happening daily and once in a while charlie horse’s in my hands, also very pain fulful. is this from the steriod shots and prednisone 10MG pills? And what can I do to stop the spasms, and charlie horses?
Corticosteroids and Arthritis Q & A
Steroids and pregnancy
Steriods effect on pregnant woman what’s the risk the j
Corisone Shots and High Blood Pressure
is it safe to have cortisone shot with high blood pressure in the left shoulder. 2 times in 2 months my dad had this done both times he was in hospital with severe chest pains. and shoulder never stoped hurting.????
I’m a 41 year old female. I have been taking steriods for 17 years. How can I ween myself from this?? I have RA.
Arthritis Treated with Prednisone
How long can someone be prescribed prednisone for the treatment of arthritis, what dosage would be appropriate, and how is one monitored while on the drug?
Arthritis and Prednisone
I have been taking Prednisone for the past 10 1/2 years for (Juvenile)Systemic Rheumatoid Arthritis. The average dose has been 20mg daily. I recently (over the past 6 months) had gotten the dose down to 15mg (the least I have EVER been on). I had been experiencing stiffness in the mornings, but was able to manage the pain throughout the day. Last week, the pain became so great that I increased the prednisone dose to 20mg. This did not help. Today, I increased it to 25mg. Because of the prednisone usage, I have to monitor my blood sugars and take insulin daily. I called my rheumatologist and he said that he didn’t know what else he could do for me. I know Prednisone is killing my skeleton – the bone denisity reports tell me that. But when I try to get off of it, I have a relapse and have to take more of it! I have tried all kinds of other drugs; I take Arava, Ultram, and Apsirin daily. I have tried Methotrexate, Enbrel, but neither worked. In fact, these drugs seemed to make the pain worse (I had a lot of swelling and joint pain). I currently take 2 fluid pills for the swelling in my legs and ankles, but the swelling doesn’t seem to go down. I’m only 26 years old — what can be done to help me?????