Have recently been prescribed methotrexate tablets for RA. I’m really worried to take them as they work by dampening the immune system. Would that not leave my immune system weak to fight infections ?
DMARDs for Arthritis Q & A
Type 1 Diabetes and Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
I have Type 1 diabetes and have recently been diagnosed with RA. What are the effects of DMARDs on diabetes/glucose levels or vice versa?
Methotrexate and Nausea
Is there any treatment for nausea caused by methotrexate treatment?
Humira and tinnitus
I have been taking Humira pen shots 40mg for the past 6 months. I have started having Tinittus really bad after each injection. Could the Humira be causing the tinittus?
How long for Orencia
I am wondering about orencia and how long a person can be on it .? I have been doing good on it for 6 months and someone told me they stop it at that point and only do mtx..at that point..can you be on it for longer like 3 years so to speak..any evidence to show any sideffects/ thanks mary
Allergic reactions and serious infections from DMARDS
Ive been on 15mg of MTX for 2 years but need more help. My Rhematologist has suggested anti TNF. Is it true that there are more side effects in terms of allergic reactions and serious infections with Humira Than with Enbrel? Also I asked about the TB test and my RA team don’t do it!! I live in the UK.