I was recently diagnosed with gout, after suffering unknowingly for 15 years. I always had attacks in my knees, but grew up with Osgood Schlatter’s Disease, and a “torn” cartlidge football knee, so I always thought the attacks were part of that scenario. in 2000, I had my first attack in both big toes, and went to a podiatrist, who first told me. It was only a week or so after that my knee flared up also. I went to my Dr. who really didn’t do anything. ANYWAY, now it’s been another few years and my pain in my joints has moved to excruciating pain, all over. The kind that makes you yell out, cry, almost suicidal. What do I do, see a specialist? I worked construction all those years, (and more), now I can hardly get out of bed, and I’m afraid I’ve permanently damaged myself internally.
Gout & Pseudogout Q & A
new treatments for gout
Any new treatments for gout?
What could be causing Knee Swelling?
My wife’s knee started swelling on-and-off approximately 3 years ago in 2001. Doctors could not find anything wrong with her knees or any blood disorders. She stopped taking her diuretics for a period of time, but this did not help. She stopped drinking beer and wine which seem to solve the problem. She walked 4 miles recently and has not encountered any knee swelling for three months.
3 AM Attacks
About three weeks ago at 3 AM in the morning my mother, 84 years old, woke up with massive pain in her left arm. We called 911 right away. She still had time to put deoderant on and change her shirt because she did not want to embarass the paramedics. We all thought that it could be a heart attack or a stroke. So when the ambulance came, they took her to Queen of the Valley Hospital in West Coniva, California. Her EKG was alright. After the X-Ray the doctor said she had an inflamation on her left arm. My mother has arthritis in General. This is my question…..based on our general knowledge of arthritis, it comes gradually in with the time of a regular day. What happend that night? Why all of a sudden a massive attack of pain? Why all of a sudden at 3 AM in the morning when she is sleeping? Isn’t it supposed to rest while you are sleeping?
gout and sleep apnea
Over a decade ago, pulmonologists were investigating the monitoring of uric acid in their critical care patients to determine if they were receiving sufficient oxygen. They had determined that hypoxia causes a catabolic process in the body’s cells in which the adenosine triphosphate undergoes a process of degradation, with its final stage being the irreversible generation of uric acid. Since excess uric acid is known to cause gout, why hasn’t the hypoxia from sleep apnea been linked to gout?
Recently Diagnosed with Gout
I’m 43 and I have recently been diagnosed with gout in my big toe by my GP. My doctor has been great, really understanding and has told me some facts and figures about gout. But I feel like I still don?t really understand what gout is, how I have it, and what I can do to get rid of it? He mentioned that some foods and drinks will aggravate my condition but I?m concerned that he didn?t really tell me which ones! Please could you give me some advice?