Can you please tell the diagnostic test for detection of osteoarthritis?
Osteoarthritis Q & A
joint space
My age 44 weight 100kg india…my joint space knee appeared reduced more than 50 percentage radiological only x ray..actulay I have no any significant problem in walking,climbing steps,standing more than 1 hour some experts say that if joint space radiologicaly as per x ray appears reduced 75 percent you may stay life long without arthritis problem by reducing weight or changing life style with specific excercise..while some experts say that within 5 years you may have to change joint by replacement operation ..who are coorect?can person stay without much more difficulty for life long without operation even with 75 percent reduction of knee joint space(cartilage space)? some experts say that radiological appearance of joint space is not correct picture of possiMy age 44 weight 100kg india…my joint space knee appeared reduced more than 50 percentage radiological only x ray..actulay I have no any significant problem in walking,climbing steps,standing more than 1 hour some experts say that if joint space radiologicaly as per x ray appears reduced 75 percent you may stay life long without arthritis problem by reducing weight or changing life style with specific excercise..while some experts say that within 5 years you may have to change joint by replacement operation ..who are coorect?can person stay without much more difficulty for life long without operation even with 75 percent reduction of knee joint space(cartilage space)? some experts say that radiological appearance of joint space is not correct picture of possible serious joint it true?
Joint Lubrication
Do you reccomend getting injection to replace the fluid in the knees? Would you recommend Synvisc therapy? How long would this last?
Reknee arthritis
Wife has cracking knees plus buckling, especially after sitting for a while. Suspect arthritis, but what kind and what treatment?
Could the damp sea air make arthritis worse?
Knee Pain Baker’s Cyst Treatment
Upon being diagnosed with a popliteal cyst that has ruptured what would be your treatment and approximate time for the injury to run it’s course?