Why isn’t there more interest paid to people who have osteoarthritis. Doctors do not want to treat a person , they recommend surgery or go to your primary. Most primary doctors do not have the time to treat a speciality. It is a viscious circle. Please publish more information on how people can get relief or names of doctors who will treat you for osteroarthritis. Thank you for your time and hopefully understanding.
Osteoarthritis Q & A
Left Knee OsteoArthritis
Is it time to have surgery on my left knee?In the last three months i am not able to put any weight on my left knee.It is very painful and i have noticed some swelling,october 31,1996 i had a RTK replacement.I have had no problems with it,my doctor told me eventually i would have to have the left knee replaced.At that time the right knee was worse.I keep up with the latest technology and surgeries concerning the knee,my understanding is their is a procedure where you do not have to replace the entire knee only the part that is damaged.And the hospital and rehab.time is less,Iworked in orthopedics for 8 years here and at the U.S.Army hospital in Germany.What is the name of the new procedure?Can you give me some information about the surgery?
hip joint
I have a pain in my left hip and take 75 SR Voltaren for it, one tablet a day just holds me. Should I rest the joint more or is more activity better. I used to have RA but are in emission right now. The pain in my hip joint occured after some heavy lifting earlier this year.
Growing New Cartliage
When I was in Europe in the 1980’s, I read about a Doctor either in Sweden or Switzerland who would remove some of your joint cartilage and grow it outside the body and reinsert it back into the joint. This doctor supposedly had a 98% success rate in people being able to function again. Do you know if this procedure has been approved in the United States? If so, do you know who is performing this procedure? Thank you for your assistance.
How to reduce pain in arthritic knees
My mother is 79 yrs old and has been suffering from osteoarthritis for a number of years. Her hands are knubby but what gives her excruciating pain these days are both of her knees. Her legs have become severely bowed, and knees are swollen. She says her feet are often numb and very cold all the time. She can only go up steps by crawling on hands AND feet like a toddler learning to climb steps. She takes the Glucosamine combination, occasional Advil, Vit. E and multivitamin, Namenda (because of ministrokes she’s suffered) and 81 mg. of aspirin. (she recently started antidepressant–Lexopro, and has been on cholesterol reducing Lescol as well as 50 mg. of Trazadone.) In the past she tried Celebrex but did not see any relief from it. I know there is no cure for her great pain, but what is the best route to pain relief? Cortisone injections and viscosupplementation have been mentioned by her internist, as well as surgery. She is squeamish about surgery. I would really appreciate it if you could tell me if we should try cortisone or the viscosupp. treatments. Also, we live in College Park, MD area. Where can I take her to see experts. We can come to Hopkins but would prefer Metro-DC area.
Surgery or n o t ???
I would appreciate an answer. I have Osteoarthritis in one of my knees. The area around the knee is swollen. I am constantly in pain. I am on painkillers every day. The X-ray shows “bone on bone” rubbing. Do I need knee replacement or are there injections available to rebuilt the Cartilage?