I have had PA for c.5 years and pretty much exhausted all the treatment options (due to lack of efficacy or side effect profile) – other than TNF inhibitors which my rhumatologist would like to put me on. Prior to doing so I would like to get a second opinion and discuss which TNF inhibitor might be best suited. As such I was wondering if you might suggest any of the rhumatologists the Arthritis Centre in having a particular specialization in PA and might have availability within the next month or so for an appointment. Thanks.
Psoriatic Arthritis Q & A
Acne causing joint inflammation?
My son has a severe case of acne that has caused an inflammation to occur in his joints. He is taking a steroid and an anti-inflmmatory. Has anyone else encountered this or know of a suggested treatment?
Psoriatic Arthritis and DMARDs
I am 32 and recently diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis. If I am able to manage my pain, why should I start DMARDS? I think if I can control my stress, then I can get this disease into remission with no drugs.
Psoriatic arthritis and osteoarthritis
What is the difference between Osteoarthritis and Psoriatic Arthritis?
Cancer, psoriatic arthritis, and anti-TNF drugs (Enbrel, Humira, Remicade, etc)
I was diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthiritis Dec of 08 have been on methoraxate my crp levels started to go down but all of a sudden went back up. My doctor has started me on Humira. My concern is that I had cancer 12 years ago will the Humira cause a reoccurance. My doctor says we will monitor it very closly.
Psoriatic arthritis and TNF inhibitor drugs
I am 30 and was diagnosed last year with psoriatic arthritis. The arthitis is in my big toes bilat and hands. I have tried methotrexate – it did nothing, Humira – I developed an injection site reaction after 5 mo on it, it was working great but I began having 8 in wide and 1/4 in high welts at the site that itched and burned. I have been off any medication for 3 mo. I am unsure how I should continue, I have very minimal flairs currently compaired to when I was first diagnosed. Do I start another TNF, or do I wait and see? I am an RN and work in ICU. I am concerned of the risks of lowering my immune system VS long term damage? I am worried about the long term effects of the TNF’s?