If my lab results are <15.0 for my ra fact is this normal. And if not how much is it over the range. Thank you so much.
Rheumatoid Arthritis Q & A
What is Rheumatoid Factor?
85 yrs old. Recent blood work with a Rheumatoid Factor reading of 695. What is normal reading? Past few months burning & tingling in ankles & legs.
Methotrexate side effects
Have recently been prescribed methotrexate tablets for RA. I’m really worried to take them as they work by dampening the immune system. Would that not leave my immune system weak to fight infections ?
Is there a specific diet that helps fight inflammation?
I am a 24 female suffering from RA. I would like to know if there are specific diet restrictions that may help decrease inflammation. Most websites I have found recommend a “balanced, healthy diet.” I am currently very healthy besides the RA and I do eat a balanced diet with many vegetables and very limited fried & greasy foods. Do you have any recommendations on foods to avoid?
Tubal Ligation and RA
I am pregnant with my second child and am considering a tubal ligation after delivery. Will getting a tubal ligation affect my hormones and therefore cause me problems with my RA? Should I just go back to the Birth control pill?
RA Symptoms Without Positive Blood Tests
I am 41 and have symptoms of RA though it does not show in my blood reports.I have pain and swelling in my fingers especially the right hand..it lasts for half an hour untll i take a hot water bath. I am on medication. Can physiotherapy help..please let me know an effective treatment as I am afraid of going into a depression .