I had an arthritis profile done. The results were normal except for a rheumatiod factor of 24. I do have pain that started in my feet 3months ago and pain and stiffness in fingers that started about 2 months ago. I am 49 years old with a normal bone density test and normal blood work. Could this still be RA with most blood results being normal? Thank you for your time! Janet
Rheumatoid Arthritis Q & A
Anti CCP antibodies and the treatment of RA with only a few joints affected
I was diagnosed with RA about 3 years ago. My diagnosis was based on positive anti-CCP and RF (out of range). I had about 2 tender joints at diagnosis. I had no morning stiffness; ESR and CRP were normal (and still normal); and ANA negative. I am taking MTX (10 mg qw). Do I really have RA? Thank you, Kala
Shingles while taking Enbrel
I have had R.A. from 1981 and now i have brokeout with shingles should i stop takeing Enbrel as long as i have the shingles ?
Not getting better with methotrexate
I was diagnosed with RA in July and I have been on naproxen (500 mg twice daily)and methotrexate (now taking 17.5 mg weekly). I have gone from bad to worse and yet my doctor does not want to add any other medications because of “insurance issues”. I have excellent insurance and am increasingly in pain, greater inflammation and much mmore limited in movement than I was at the onset of the condition. I am not inclined to take medication I don’t need but from what I can read, a combination of medications may be useful in treating RA. Do I need a new doctor?
New RA diagnosis
Dr, I’m a 44 year old female and have just been diagnosed with RA. My PCP ran first few tests..RF came back + but low (1:180), CRP was – and my sed rate was -, ANA was also + but according to him it too was low. My rheumatologist also ran blood panel and anti-CCP was + . Is there a range for this test also that indicates high or low? I have not started meds yet because the Rheum was awaiting my blood work but I have an appt in a week and I’m very afraid of all the side effects of the meds. I have had no swelling since the first of October and before than I have only had swelling on one other occasion both times in my thumb and forefinger. If I wait for another flare to start meds will I be doing damage? Is the RA doing damage even when there is no swelling? I’m so scared.
Pregnancy and rheumatoid arthritis
I have had RA for 5 years. After the birth of my second child I started taking enbrel. It worked wonders. At the time I was also taking Methotrexate. I stopped the methotrexate about one month after I started the enbrel and I still felt just as good. Now that I have just had my third child I have started taking enbrel again. I have been on it two months and not noticed much help. Is it because I am not doing it with methotrexate. It worked fine when I stopped the methotrexate the last time.