I’ve had RA for about 2yrs. On 7.5mg methotrexate weekly + Remicade every 8wks. I’m supposed to travel to India soon and all information I have indicates a number of vaccines are required (polio) or “highly recommended”. Including Malaria, Polio, DPT, MMR, and Hep A. I still plan to speak with my Doctor, but I was wondering if there is any guidance on taking so many vaccines while immune supressed. OR if there is any information on the timing of all vaccines – e.g. over a 3mo vs 4wk period of time? Sincerely, – laura
Rheumatoid Arthritis Q & A
Popliteal Cyst / Baker’s Cyst Treatment in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patient
I have RA and over the last several years developed a popiteal cyst. I have had it drained more times than I can count and I had surgery to remove it and with in two weeks the cyst was back. It was drained more but that has not helped any. It really hurts and limits what I can do. What else can be done to get rid of this cyst?
Elevated White Blood Cells and RA
In the past, I have had very low white blood cells Now that I have RA, the white blood cells are elevated. Could this be the cause of my RA?
Should I find a new Rheumatologist?
My doctor sent me to a Rheumatologist because I was waking up with puffy eyes and a dry mouth. I have also complained of restless legs, depression, carpal tunnel in my hands and numbness in my upper right back and feet, and stiffness in the morning and afer sitting. The Rheumatologist said I had a 96.9 % RA or RF factor, although I have no swelling except my knuckles are a bit larger. He put me on plaquenil and I had a severe itching reaction, so I had to stop taking it. I am now on methotrexate. Shortly after starting it, I developed a yeast infection. It does not seem to respond to Diflucan as a treatment. Could I be misdiagnosed? My sister has Scleroderma and my brother had a massive lymphoma at 17 that was treated and is in remission. Should I get a second opinion?
Palindromic Rheumatism and RA
Does palindromic rheumatism always turn into full blown RA?
Botox injections safe while on Methotrexate and Humira?
I’ve been diagnosed with RA and have been receiving treatment for about 2 years. I am well controlled w/ Humira & Methotrexate, I’d like to resume Botox injections for my squint and frown lines. Do you know of any contraindications or concerns using Botox for RA or with my current medications?