my 11year old daughter has down syndrome and rheumatoid arthritis, she is on 12.5 mg of methotrexate by injection once a week, i have noticed that her hair is falling out. She has not tried anything else. Is there any other medication with less side affects that she could try? She has the arthritis in her fingers toes and her wrists.
Rheumatoid Arthritis Q & A
How long to be off Celebrex adn Plaquenil for a Surgery?
I currently take Celebrex and Plaquenil for RA and am having surgery soon on my foot. Dr. told me to be off my meds. one week prior to surgery, but didn’t say how long afterward. What do you suggest?
Effectiveness of ARAVA in Relapsing Polychondritis
Are there any studies showing effectiveness of ARAVA in Relapsing Polychondritis . What would you recommend for treating it.
Treating RA with Antibiotics
I’ve been reading about antibiotics (minocycline, for instance) as treatment for RA. As you probably know, Kathleen Turner is taking antibiotics for her RA, and my wife had diminished symptoms when she took a “Z-pack” for a cold that turned into an infection. She’s currently on methotrexate. Can you comment on research or theory on antibiotic protocals for treatment of RA?
Increasing Methotrexate causing problems?
I have been taking Methotrexate for 6 months. i started with 15 mg, bumped to 20 mg and things seemed to be improving, but still active so I was bumped to 25 mg. The very nexy day after taking the new dose i started becoming symptomatic with very stiff joints and throbbing pain. It subsides a little as the week continues, but once I dose again the pain is back. Is this normal and will my body eventually adjust and the activity subside, or is this my body saying this med isn’t working?
Time frame between Rheumatoid flares?
I had a possible Rhuematoid flare last March. I was never diagnosed and was left with the advice to wait and see if anything happens again. I have been taking vitamins, but no meds and haven’t had a flare since the first one went down last April, which has been over a year. What are the chances that I have RA. My sed level and Rhuematoid count were high, but I tested negative for the antibodies. I am thinking of having another child, but don’t want to if I am going to have a disabling disease. My other doctor told me I would flare again within 8 months if it was RA and not a virus.