I was just diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. I have a high SED rate and c reactive protein level, but a negative RA factor. I have had symptoms of joint swelling and pain in my wrists. I also have pretty significant joint damage already (by X-ray and MRI). Can I still have RA with a negative RA factor? Thanks
Rheumatoid Arthritis Q & A
Effective Creams for Joint Pain and Swelling
I am 51 yo active female 5’2″ 118 lbs who developed RA in my fingers over the last 5 years. I am physically active every day, and I go to the gym. In the last few weeks I have developed painful swelling in my right knee joint. Are there any effective creams or diet that will help with the pain and the swelling?
Acute Onset of RA
My mother was recently stricken with the near crippling onset of RA that came on over a 2 week period. In November her rheumatoid factor antibody was 44; she was referred to specialist for treatment. My question has to do with understanding the RA test. She had it rechecked this week and it is now over 2000, is this normal, is this any indication of severity of disease or indication of efficacy ot this treatment? Do the test values help in monitoring therapy?
High Blood Pressure and Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment
I have high blood pressure and I was just diagnosed with RA. Will the high blood pressure affect my treatment? I haven’t had my appointment with a rheumatologist yet and am in pain.
Treatments and Individuals
Why do drugs like Enbrel and Humira work for some people with RA and not for others? Why do some people develop an immunity to these drugs faster than others?
Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Rheumatoid Arthritis
My father has been diagnosed with polymyalgia rheumatica but now is having joint pain in his fingers? Could he have RA?