Do you recommend Antibiotic Therapy for RA? I am currently on Remicade infusions every 6 wks and 15mg of Methotrexate a week, & 2.5mg of Prednisone, 400mg of Plaqunil a day. I am beginning to feel relief from the infusions (I have had 4 total) but I am still very tired and I keep getting sore throats….not sure why. I can walk much better than I was able to walk a few months ago. Do you think I should explore the Antibiotic therapy or just stick with what I am currently doing and possibly be able to get off of some the my current medications in the near furture?
Rheumatoid Arthritis Q & A
High Rheumatoid Factor
I have Rheumatoid factor of 440. I realize this is high. But what is the severity of my RA with a factor this high? My ccp is 33 and SED Rate is 25. I am 43 and just discovered this 2 weeks ago, due to foot and shoulder pain. Could you please give me some guidance.
The affect of Rheumatoid Arthritis on quality of life
I have just started dating someone. She told me she has RA. I basically knew nothing about it. I want to learn more now. My main question is how does having RA affect one’s quality of life?
Minocycline Trials
Why do you guys ignore the NIH study that proved in a placebo controlled trial minocycline was far more effective than placebo for RA? There is also a correlation w RA and an animal model with the microbe mycoplasma. Dont patients have a right to know this? On your page the reasearch is funded by drug companies, could that be why?
Methotrexate and Fatigue
I take 20 mg. MTX the next day, I am so tired I can not hardly move, is this normal.
RA and Pain
I don’t “live” right now, I just “exist” from day to day. My treatment for RA is Rituxan infusions, Prednisone only for extreme flares (I refuse to take it otherwise) and Valium for sleep. I am currently pregnant and off my medications; however, my OBGYN said that it is safe to take the Valium since I am in my 3rd trimester. Even with the Valium, I am taking much less than I am permitted. My unborn child is very healthy and I am being monitored closely. I am so tired and in so much daily pain. I would give almost anything to have just a few minutes of painlessness – like I used to be. I am tired of medications, needles – it all seems useless. The RA affects my breathing at times, my back, neck, hips, toes. I worry that I will not be able to take care of my child that I am carrying. How much pain is one expected to take? Do you think that there will be a cure? What do you think about stem cell treatments for RA? I am physically and mentally exhausted from this disease and the research that I do every day to see if someone can help me. I am having a really difficult time. I will never accept this disease. I just want out of this body of mine. After my child is born, I would be willing to do any research trials that are going on; I have nothing to lose at this point. Can you help me in any way?