I have rheumatoid arthritis and taking Arthrotec, MTX, Plaquenil, and Prednisone. My doctor wants to start me on Enbrel. Can and is it normal to just add Enbrel to the other medications or will I stop taking some of the other ones?
Rheumatoid Arthritis Q & A
rituxan and arava
I am considering Rituxan to treating RA. I do not take Methotrexate but instead take Arava. Do you know of adverse effects of Rituxan in combination with Arava or the lessened effect of Rituxan without methotrexate? I appreciate any ihformation that you might have on the subject.
Enbrel Injections Education
I am going to start Enbrel in August. I was wondering who usualy shows me how to do the injection? A nurse, family doctor, my rheumatologist, or some type of clinic?
enbrel and uveitis
My 8 year old son has polyarticular ANA negative arthritis and started on Enbrel one year ago, in addition to methotrexate. He has recently developed uveitis that is proving difficult to control with topical steroids. I understand the enbrel may be causing the uveitis. How likely is this? He has done so well with his joints on Enbrel it would be a shame to discontinue.
Dr. Richard D. Adamo and rheumatoid arthritis
My husband has recently been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. He was given the advice by laymen to read the popular book by Dr.Richard J.D’Adamo “Eat Right For Your 4 Type”. What is your opinion on Dr. Adamo’s prescription of eating according to your blood type in order to strengthen the immune system and therefore prevent diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis? Thank you for your response.
Rheumatoid arthritis and infections
I am on NSAID, Methotrexate, Prednisone and Plaquenil for my RA. But lately I have been getting alot of small infections. My big toe, a hangnail on my thumb and ear infection. I have all three right now at the same time. It seems that any little scratch or cut I get it gets infected. Is there any thing that I can do so they will not become infected? I was going to start to use antiseptic soaps instead of just regular soap. I don’t Rknow if that is going to work or not.