I was just wondering what could happen and how long will it take if I decided to not treat my rheumatoid arthritis with NSAID and MTX and just use pain killers. What is the possibility of effecting other parts of my body besides my joints. I am 31 years old and hate the thaught of being on medications for the rest of my life.
Rheumatoid Arthritis Q & A
Rheumatoid Factor
I have sero-negative rheumatoid arthritis. It has been almost two years now since it all started. I have not had my RF checked in nine months. I know that it might not ever be positive. How long should I get my rheumatoid factor checked? When will it,if it does, turn positive?
Respected Doctor, Iam 32yr old Man. I have been suffering from CYCLICAL (every 4 to 6 weeks)UNDIAGNOSED FEVER, since the last 12 years. The only test that has come positive is the test for RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS (R.A). Can R.A. cause fever of this kind in me? I do have occassional heaviness and discomfort in my right knee, which disappears with application of pain balm. As my R.A. is not clinically significant, my doctor has not started treatment for it. Will my R.A. get progressively worse ?
Fluid and nodules on lungs
I have just been diagnosed with RA with a Rf factor of 256 and nodules and fluid on the lungs. I have had so many pains thru the years and forgot to mention to my doc that my eyes hurt quite bad and quite often. I have thought it have been pre-migraine pain, but the migraine never came. In other words:I suspect RA in my eyes too. I had severe neck pain and lower back problems + hips for years and years. Maybe I had RA all this time. Should I expect a more detailed examination of my body to see how much damage I might aready have suffered? I mentioned chest pain to my MD who diagnosed me and asked if it could be in relation to the fluid and nodules on them. He said it could be, but didn’t seem worried. I have sore throat, and I cough really weird when laying down at night. How aggressive should I be regarding evaluation of my problems? Would it be wise to get a refferal to a specialist?
loss of vision due to arthritis
My mother age is 52 years. She is suffering from rh.arthritis from last 15 years and taking continuous medicines to both arthiritis and side effects also. But in the year of 2001 she lost her left eye. The doctors saying that due to dryness caused from arthiritis, the dryness also appeared in the eye and as a result the eye ball was breaked and her vision was lost. Is there not be any treatment for curing this arthirits sir. We are feeling very very bad and feeling very sad to her in this situation. Even she is not able to walk, sleep or sit. Though she is under regular treatment of specialist.. we are not in a position to do any help to her sir.
Rheumatoid Nodules on Foot
I have rheumatoid nodules on the bottom of my foot on the arch. Can these be safely removed surgically? I am beginning to get a stinging pain off and on from them.