I was diagnosed in 1996, believe I had for previous 10 yrs. Have done several drug studies. 2 yrs. ago developed psoris in my hair both sides just above my ears. 1 yr. ago started having flares. I had 3. After my last flare in March of 05, all symptoms started to go away. No swollen tender joints no psoris no swelling or prolonged morning stiffness.I was on Methotrexate and an anti-inflamatory. I had no refills left, and since remission was so dramatic , just didn’t ask for a refill. That was in June of 05. I just saw my Rheumatoligist. Says no more Methotrexate. come back in 6 mos. But he does not give me a lot of info on remission in R.A. Can you tell me where to find???
Rheumatoid Arthritis Q & A
Rheumatoid Arthritis
I have Rheumatoid Arthritis for 2 years. Lately I have been getting a sharp pain in my stomach on the left side by my lower ribs just above my waist. It is also tender to the touch. I am worried also about my organs because of the medicaton that I am on.(MTX,Prednisone,Arthrotec) Can I have rheumatoid arthritis in my ribs?
Rheumatiod arthritis
I am in a bad flare right now. When I woke up this morning my legs feel very weak. Like I am going to fall with every step I take. My knees feels like it is moving side to side. Like it is not satble. When I walk it feels like there is fluid in my joints. Could there be fluid building up in my joints and could this happen over night. There is no more then ususal swelling in my knees.
Lab tests with RA
I have RA for 2 years now and my last blood test showed that my sed rate went up to 48 and my hemiglobin went down again. I have been anemic for about a year now. My RA is also getting worse they want to put me on BRM’s. Normaly does the anemia get worse the higher the sed rate?
I have RA, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Anemic and high blood pressure. I am taking Arthrotec, MTX, Prednisone, Coversyl, and Tiazac XC. I am waiting to see a Rheumatologist for biological medications. I am still having alot of pain even when I increase the Prednisone. I have tried exercise, rest, phyical therepists, hot and cold. I have even tried to trick my brain into beleaving that I don’t have pain. Is there any thnig that I can do to help with the pain that does not include more drugs or something that I have not tried.
High RA factor but further test shows negative
Hello, my wife has been tested positive for RA factor few years ago. Recently the sign of RA became quite obvious with stiffness at joints during morning. But after we went to the Rheumatologist for further evaluation, the doctor couldn’t find the cause. Hepatitis A,B,C test, ANA, CCP and ESR all show negative. White and red blood cells count is all normal. But the RA factor is at 719. What else could have triggered this high RA factor?