I have RA for two and a half years. The past week I have been waking up in the morning with pain under my eye. It even hurts to blink. After awhile the sorenss wears away and returns the next morning. I have no other sign like my eye is not red, itchy and my vision is fine. Because it wears off during the day and returns the next monring I was wondering if this could be connected to my RA or Plaquenil? What eye problems can a person get due to thier RA?
Rheumatoid Arthritis Q & A
RA results
I recently went to see my Primary MD because of severe arm pain the affected both sides. My RA factor came back @ 25 the lab report read high! Can you translate this for me. I do have an appointment with a Rhuematologist.
Negative bone scan and RA
5 years ago I had a bone scan that was positive and was told that I have Rheumatoid Arthritis.4 Months ago my bone scan was repeated and I was told it was normal.I was told to stop my medication. Now my pain is worse.The stiffness last for hours. I have a lot of fatigue and weakness.
Rheumatoid arthritis and infections
I am on NSAID, Methotrexate, Prednisone and Plaquenil for my RA. But lately I have been getting alot of small infections. My big toe, a hangnail on my thumb and ear infection. I have all three right now at the same time. It seems that any little scratch or cut I get it gets infected. Is there any thing that I can do so they will not become infected? I was going to start to use antiseptic soaps instead of just regular soap. I don’t Rknow if that is going to work or not.
Re: rheumatoid arthriris
What’s the difference between Zero Positive R.A and Zero Negative R.A. What repercussions does these two have over joints?
rheumatoid factor positive, but no RA
I have been with sciatic nerve pain for 7 months, from the lower back through the left leg…I have taken numerous drugs and steroid shots and nothing seems to help. I have the Rheumatoid Factor positive (17) but then the bone scan does not demonstrate joint degeneration. What else could it be? Does the Rheumatoid Factor only diagnose RA?