Dear Sir/Madam I am 64 years old. Seven years ago, I was diagnosed with RA and several years later, with Fibromyalga. For the past six years, I have been taking methotrexate, enbrel, plaquinil and codeine for pain relief. I recently consulted my family doctor about unexplained weight gain, unusual because my appetite is poor. He is having numerous tests done which hopefully will explain the edema which he thinks I have. I am undergoing all the tests,but can the drugs I am taking possibly be a cause of the edema? Thanks for your time.
Rheumatoid Arthritis Q & A
prednisone use
My wife is on methotrexate 15 mg per week, we have tapered it doen to 15mg every two weeks. in addition she also takes 10 mg of prednisone per day. she seems not to respond to methotrexate but seems to do better when only 10 mgs daily is administered. is ten mg prednisone excessive?
Pregnancy and the RF test
Can hormones effect the RF test? I tested with an RF of 43 and am also pregnant. Is it possible that pregnancy effects the outcome of this test? Thanks!
TNF inhibitors and lupus
I have been diagnosed with RA and AS. Three years ago I was prescribed Enbrel. I had to discontinue the drug after 3 months due to elevation of liver enzymes. Within a few months I developed a “red face,” not a rash but bright redness on my cheeks and bridge of my nose. My doctor said it was probably vasculitis due to RA, but my new doctor is suggesting I should be evaluated for Lupus. Can Enbrel trigger lupus?
RA and surgery
I have had RA for a little over a year, I’m not on humira yet.. I was wanting to know if it’s ok to breast implants while having RA?
Methotrexate and Side Effects
I have taken the oral methotrexate for some time and had some elvated liver enzymes so now on injectable. I think the injectable casues more side effects, stomach, headhace and irritablity then the oral did is this possible?