Hello, my wife has been tested positive for RA factor few years ago. Recently the sign of RA became quite obvious with stiffness at joints during morning. But after we went to the Rheumatologist for further evaluation, the doctor couldn’t find the cause. Hepatitis A,B,C test, ANA, CCP and ESR all show negative. White and red blood cells count is all normal. But the RA factor is at 719. What else could have triggered this high RA factor?
The big question is whether your wife has signs or symptoms that her rheumatologist thinks is compatible with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The diagnosis of RA is based on the finding of joint swelling and tenderness. The RF can be negative in up to 20% of patients. Also a positive RF can occur in normal individuals, usually at low levels. RF can be positive in chronic infections (TB, virus, hepatitis C) and very occasionally in certain malignancies.