My original bone denisty was -2.5 about 5 years ago. Two years ago it was up to -2.0. The latest reading is -2.6 and is primarily in the hips. I have been on Fosamx for 5 years. My doctor doesn’t recommend any other treatment, he says there isn’t any. He told me that 2.6 is not something to worry about and that I could have another bone density and it could come back a higher number, that these things vary. I am 70 and worryng about breaking a hip. Some advice please.
It is difficult to comment without reviewing your DEXA (bone density) scan and clinical history. A T score of -2.5 or less, by definition puts you into the osteoporosis range. There is variablity in the DEXA results and likely your bone density has remained stable over the past years. There is a medication called Forteo, a daily injection medicine that is a replica of the hormone, parathyroid hormone (PTH). Forteo can increase bone mass and is useful particulary in patients with prior fracture or worsening bone density. Discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor as it applies to you.