There is a medication called Forteo, a daily injection medicine that is a replica of : the hormone, parathyroid hormone (PTH). Forteo can increase : bone mass and is useful particulary in patients with prior : fracture or worsening bone density. Discuss the risks and : benefits with your doctor as it applies to you. : How great a concern should the risk of bone cancer and increased heart rate play into a decision to start treatment with Forteo for a woman past 75 on chronic steriod therapy? Is Boniva as successful in treating bone loss?
Patients with bone cancer obviously should not be started, but to date the bone cancers have only been seen in laboratory animals, not in humans. I am not aware of any significant problems with increased heart rate and Forteo. Forteo is more effective in building bone density than any of the bisphosphonates such as Fosamax, Boniva or Actonel.