my 12 year old son has had pain in his ankles for about 3 years. he was recently in hospital for 2 weeks and they couldn’t find what was wrong with him from x-rays, ultra sounds, mri, blood test and urine test. his symptons were stiff and very painfull buttocks, knee and ankle pain on left side only,couln’t roll over in bed and found it hard to get out of bed and back into bed, high tempeture, tiredness, pain in the groin and heart area occasionly.he also had gravel rash from 10 days before hospitization that wouldn’t heel and got infected with puss right up to he went to hospital and was givin antibiotics.although it took him 5 weeks to walk without crutches he still gets stiff at night during sleep. could this be ankylosing spondylitis?
Unfortunately, I can’t diagnose him over the internet, but his symptoms might be related to ankylosing spondylitis or juvenil rheumatoid arthritis. He definitely needs to be seen by a rheumatologist, preferably a pediatric rheumatologist.