I am currently under treatment for arthritis in both knees. My question is, if Synvisc beneficial to use as a method of treatment a 2nd time. It worked for me fine the first time but now there is some question if it would be beneficial to use a second time. Can you help me? I thank you for your time and effort in this matter.
Osteoarthritis & Food
Can you pleae tell me what food can cause osteoarthritis to flare up. I am aware of acidic food & recently dicovered too much sugar is a problem, what other possibilities are there?
Therapeutic Taping
My husband has severe pain in his knees from arthritis. We just discovered the idea of therapeutic taping today and would like to know how or where we could learn the technique? My husband had already said that, maybe, wrapping the knee in an ace bandage would help. He feels that this may help him tremendously. He performs physical labor for his livelihood. He’s on several medications, but doesn’t want to be so dependant on them. They do have their limits.
chronic pain treatment
I have several soft tissue and skeletal issues due to various injuries over the years. Arthritis in my knee due to no ACL for 30 years and missing meniscus, herniated disc at C-7, recurring hip pain, and I have been diagnosed with thoracic outlet syndrome on the right side. I fell from a trapeze when I was child and landed on my head and shoulder. Have been told that resulted in cervical facet syndrome and the TOS I have today. I am now 56 and work as a massage therapist. I do yoga for stretching and conditioning and get massages as well. For the most part these things have helped to reduce the pain I experience. I had been taking Advil/Ibuprofen but after 2 years of this, I ended up with severe rectal bleeding and colitis. I have been told that I should stay away from NSAIDS. My doctor wants to try imiprimine, pamelor, or neurontin. I think this requires daily long-term use to be effective. Is this correct and how effective are these drugs for someone whith my history? What are the pros and cons? Are there any other medications that I could use that would not have to be taken daily.
Osteoarthritis of knees & treatment options
I have osteoarthritis of both knees and have been told I am too young for knee replacements, age is almost 50 years. I thought that possibly there is a treatment with an insertion of a pad, much like what would be use for implants that could be inserted in the area between the bones (where it is without space)and create a new cushioning space. Is this possible? What should I do at 50? I have an active teenager and need to get around! Thanks so much for your time. Oh, I am female & will also soon be challenged with menopause.
Hylagan Treatment That Wears Off
After having hyalgan treatments the pain in the knee is returning. The pain is not as bad as it was before the treatments but I am beginning to think it will continue to get worse as time goes on. Does this mean knee replacement should be considered?