Can I take Mobic more than once a day, and does it come in more than one strength?
Arthritis meds without Sulfa??
Are there any effective medications to relieve traumatic arthritis that do not contain sulfa? I have tried celebrex and most others but all containing even minimal amounts of sulfa cause a reaction.
NSAID for life?
I have rheumatiod arthritis. I am on 20mg per week of Methotrexate and a NSAID. I just tappered totaly off Prednisone. Should I tapper off the NSAID and only be on Methotrexate or is most people on some kind of NSAID for the rest of their lives?
Rheumatorid Arthritis
I have R.A. and what I need to know is there any way I can get Bextra to medicate this condition? If so how do I go about getting it ect.
What are the treatments for this disease for a 39 year old man? How does this disease affect the body? What medications help the pain?
High CK levels
What diseases would produce high ck levels? (particularly when the heart was found to be fine)