My 78 year old mother has Lyme Disease and has developed rheumatoid arthritis that is debilitating. She lives in Pensacola, Florida and would like to find the best doctor to treat this problem. Her current rheumatologist initially administered steroid injections which we have later learned is contraindicated with Lyme. She has since developed steroid induced glaucoma so we do not want her to have any further steroid treatment. She is seeing a Lyme specialist but would like to more specifically address the very painful arthritis symptoms that are not improving with IV antibiotics. Will you kindly recommend a specialist in the area of Northwest Florida/South Alabama area? Thank you!
Peridontal disease and inflammatory arthritis
I was diagnosed with RA in 2000. While in Florida a Rheumatologist told me that I had Psoratic Arthritis and increased the dosage of Humira from once every 2 weeks to one a week. That was in June 2008. In May 2008, I was treated for an abscessed tooth. While the tooth was very infected with pus draining, etc I did not feel any pain. I ended up with 3 teeth being for severe abscesses. In the time since May, I have had 3 more teeth with severe abscess. The endodonist suggests that since humira limits the imune system that it may be the cause. I have not had any pain with any of the dental problems. I have seen different endondist and it appears that the diagnosis is correct especially with the drainage from the tooth. I am currently being treated for two teeth with a root canal on both and then the dentist will place a new crown on each one. What is your opinion as to the cause of all the dental problems that have occurred this past year? Eventually, I should run out of teeth needing a root canal. It is scary that there is no warning or pain associated with the problem. I am 67 years old and many of my teeth have crowns and caps. Please help me with this problem.
positive ANA test and lupus
just got the resukts of ANA test and only got the following: ANA 160 ANA pattern homogeneous No symptoms age 65 female – all other blood tests normal Do I have Lupus? Could this be a false positive as I got a cold the night of the test?
Vitamin D deficieincy
My DR.just found that I have low vitamin d 22. Eight or nine months of muscle aches,extreme fatigue, lots of tests no answers.Any connection? He has started me on 1,000 units of vitamin D. Thank you.
Is this lupus?
Patient with Jt.pain,Swelling,Redness[ fingers,wrist,face] with scales in the scalp.Having Pathological findings.1]ANA 1:1280[norm:1:40],CRP 13[norm:0-10] ESR 40[norm 0-22] ASO 230[NORM:0-200],AntiSSA/Ro 8[norm<0.9],SM Antibody 1.2[norm:<0.9],SM/RNP>8[norm ,0.9] Other antibodis within normal range, what are the possible diagnoses.
Hi, my name’s Nicole. I have tinnitus in both my ears and i have since i was younger. I went to a few ENT’s and they wanted me to take special pills and do a CAT scan. Sorry if the spellings off. But they also said there is no real cure for tinnitus. I was wondering what you did to help treat it. I started going to acupuncture and since then it has started to decline greatly. Are the other ENT’s wrong?