I have a pain in my left hip and take 75 SR Voltaren for it, one tablet a day just holds me. Should I rest the joint more or is more activity better. I used to have RA but are in remission right now. The pain in my hip joint occured after some heavy lifting earlier this year.
Viral Arthritis
Have you ever heard of Herpes causing arthritis? Similiar to how Shingles occur under stressful situations.
I have had shingles for 6 weeks and the inflamation has cleared up, but I am still suffering some chest and back pain and loss of some energy. Is there any current remedy available.
Human Parvovirus B-19 in Adult
I was recently diagnosed with human parvovirus by a rheumatologist. The doctor who ran the test said that he is puzzled and unsure as to why the level of ImG in my blood is still high even though I have had symptoms, which have been worsening, for the past two months. Because the Voltaren originally prescribed for me did not do anything to relieve the pain or swelling, he would like me to start on prednisone. I am concerned because of the amount of fatigue that I have been experiencing and the amount of difficulty I am now having with me hands, wrists, ankles and feet. I would be interested in hearing the thoughts of someone on your staff regarding this virus and the treatments for it.
Acne and arthritis
My daughter has been sick with bone pain for months! Her face is extremely broken out with acne. Is there a link between a type of arthritic and acne? She is on her fifth doctor, at Marshfield Clinic, Marshfield, Wisconsin. He told her she has some? form of arthritis. Can you enlighten me so we can help her?
flu like symptoms
About a month ago I thought I had a cold or flu. My muscels hurt and I was just not feeling myself. The not feeling myself went away after about 2 days but the aches have not. My wrists. hands, feet and now my hip on the right are all very sore and just plain hurt. should I wait and see if it will go away or do you think I should go and get this checked? My fingers and wrists also seem to be swollen in the morning.