My wife was recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Any :: recommendations for a good specialist in the :: Baltimore/MD/DC/Virginia area? :: :: We cannot travel to MI to see the specialist who you always refer :: people to. Thank you so much. :: :: Wael :: What town in MI is the fibromyalgia specialist they are referring to located ? What is his/her name?
Flexeril and Fibromyalgia
My doctor prescribed me Flexeril to help me with my leg pains at night. I have FMS and have had it 7 years now. However, They told me I can only stay on the Flexeril for 2 weeks. No other pills seem to help me like the Flexeril does. Is there like a sister pill to Flexeril that I can use everyday and indefinitely? I would like to go back to my doctor and have this info so he can’t tell me no if there for a fact is. Thank you so much for any information you can give me and for your time.
muscle deterioration
I have Crohns disease and celiac sprue (cannot have any glutten in my diet.) My hips and legs have become much stiffer and hard to use lately . Are there any correlations under these conditions?
Arthritis of Crohns Disease
I have very bad pain in my lower back on the right hand side into my buttock. I also have bad pain in my back of my neck. The orthopedic surgeon told me it is from sitting a lot that causes pain in my back .
Crohn’s Disease & arthritis
I am a 54 yr. old female. I have had Crohn’s Disease for 36 yrs. It has been in remission for 5 yrs, after 2 major resectionings. Within the past 3 months, pain in my knee and pelvic has arisen. After x-rays, my Dr. says arthritis. Is there a connection??
Arthritis related to ulcerative colitis
Is there a connection between ulcerative colitis and arthritis of the large joints? I have had left side colon pain for years and now have swelling,warmth and pain in my knees, large toe joint, one ankle, and one wrist.