Will methotrexate and Prednisone cure Rheumatoid Arthritis?
Stomach problems with Plaquenil
I started taking Plaquenil 4 weeks ago for non specific autoimmune disease as indicated by ANA. Symptoms were low grade temperature (off and on for a year), joint pain and fatigue. I have already felt some relief. Some nauseau at first but less problem with fever and joint pain. But, now I have started having stomach cramps and diarrhea. I understand these may go away. Is there anything I can do to reduce these symptoms? I always take the Plaquenil with a meal.
Effects and use of methotrexate
I have RA which, until recently has been well controlled with sulphasalzine, Bextra and prednisone when needed. Most recent x-rays show significant erosion in my hands. My Rhumatologist would like me to go on methotrexate at this time. I understand that the use of this drug may cause liver and lung damage. I am debating the pros and cons of going on this drug. Will the use of this drug help slow up the progression of RA significantly enough to take the risk of the possible side effects. Also at this time I do smoke and occassionaly will have a cocktail, what effect do these risk factors have while taking methotrexate?
Taking remicade
For three years I took Embrel with much sucess, but it is too expensive for me to pay. My doctor put me on remicade and my insurance will pay the whole price. I have been on it for ten months and I feel terrible. Two weeks ago they upped the dose and I have more pain and swelling than ever. I can not get through the day without taking pain killers. Two days after I got the remicade I had such swelling and pain that they gave me a steroid shot. Two more days they put me on prednisone and I had no relief. I refuse to take remicade again, what would you suggest I do?
Dealing with the pain of RA /Progression of RA
I have had RA for 8 years, I continue to try to “get through the pain” as I don’t like to take alot of medications. Is this hurting me more than going on some of the more high risk medications? Iam currenly on sulfphasalzine, Bextra, just recently been put on that and prednisone as needed. Is it a bad thing to not go on the medications?
Endometriosis and Enbrel
If someone has endometriosis, is it safe to take enbrel – given the infection side effect of enbrel?