I have been on methorexate for about 2 yrs. for Takayasus.Was having stomach problems and was switched to injections (15mg). Have been off 2 mos. of steroids and just on MTX injection once a week. Have been diagnosed with gastritis and am wondering if I should be taken off Methotrexate completely, since the Prevacid that I am taking twice a day is not helping, or try another stomach medicine, or could this be prendisone withdrawal.
New medication
What is this RA med I have heard about Ariva or Aviva?
RA and MS
I have RA and MS my question is do I have to decide between which disease to let be in control? If one is being treated , I have to suffer with the other. I am currently awaitng being approved for social security disability – I finally gave up and retired October 2006. Please give me some hope in finding out a possible solution. Thank you.
Enbrel and susceptability to flat warts.
I have been using Enbrel for five years and have been bothered by flat warts the last six months or longer. My skin doctor has tried two methods of getting rid of them (Tazorac and liquid nitrogen), but feels my system is not responding due to being on the Enbrel. We will be discussing another approach when I visit mid-January. Is this a common problem? Thank you.
Any alternatives for Prednisone
Currently I have been on prednisone for a year now. I was doing ok at 7mg but not as good as 10. They brought me down to 5mg a day and now I am fully flairs and swollen in the face, eye lids, middle of my back, lower back, arthritis spots etc. Basicly fully flairs. I have been on the 5mg for a week now. I was told this could happen as a reaction to tapering off, but don’t know if that is what is going on or if I need more medication. I am only 34yrs old and worry that this might be something i need to take forever. I heard of the hardening of arteries, the knee replacements etc. that I might need to have. I figure with my case of RA as bad as it is and having Fibro as well as a bad case of iron deficiency anemia, that this drug just might be with me forever. My questions today are…
1. Is there a more safe dose to take for the body long term at my age that can help prevent the long term damage?
2. Are there any drugs or herbal suppliments I can take to help fight against the effects of prednisone so taking 7mg a day might be ok for the rest of my life?
3. Are there any sub drugs out there to take instead that might work as well? Or do you know of any currently in the works?
Thank you for your time. ** right now I am currently on two 200mg celebrex a day, 3 ultram a day, 5mg prednisone, Arava, 150mg iron.
Rash from Enbrel
In Nov. 2006, I changed from using the 2 25Mg. kits weekly to the 50 mg. autoinjector weekly. I have noticed a significant increase in a rash and isolated bumpy, itchy spots on legs, back, and arms. Is there any possibility that the amount of Enbrel in the autoinjector is too much for my system to handle? This rash does occur moreso during the winter months inspite of trying to keep my skin lubricated. My dermatologist has prescribed Fluocinonide Ointment which does help, but this year the itching is worse. There is no indication that the itch/rash is near or at the injection site. I have had psoriasis in a very mild form since my mid thirties, but sought treatment for moderate psoriasis when I was 60 years old, and had discontinued HRT. At this point the psoriasis really kicked in and I have been on Enbrel since June 2004 with great results, except for this wintertime rash/itch issue. Has there been any research done to show that HRT either prevented psoriasis, delayed it, or jump-started it?