My mother was diagnosed with arthritis in her groin, but they didn’t tell her if it was osteoarthritis or rheumatoid. How can she find out which one it is?
Is there a link between Lyme disease and RA?
My 16 year old son was diagnosed with lyme disease less than a year ago. He went into stage 3 heart block before he was properly diagnosed. His doctor now thinks he has RA. Is this treatable? What is the link between lyme disease and RA? Will he beable to still play guitar? Kimberly Cahill-Fulp
Can a 36 year old woman have gout?
I was a 36 year old healthy woman when my left knee started to give pain. I thought it was a fall or something & no big deal. I couldn’t ignore it any more after the right on done the same. I had been seeing the Doc about twice a week complaining of the pain. Finally my left knee & all the way down to my foot was swollen, red streaked, looking like celulitis & the pain was off the charts. I was finally Hospitaized where I seen a specialist who drew some fluid from under the patella. After several more test, including a 24hr urine collection test. They proved it to be Gout. It took a long time to get this Diagnosed. Even longer to walk without a limp. Acute & chronic pain ran my life. It left me so sedentary, I gained a lot of weight. It took abou a year for the acute pain to leave. Im 40 now. It has left me with just ordinary arthritis with pain that dont compare to before. I thought once you have gout you will always have gout. I have since moved & have different Dr’s now & I told them of my past & They dont believe me because all the test come up, no gout. They tell me it is not possible to have it in both knees at once. Especially a young woman. I still can’t use my knees as knees should be used. My arms are wearing out because of pushing my weight out of chairs. How did I possibaly get this debilitating disease so early on. I was in the Hospital for 2 weeks with meningitis just 6 months before the onset. Could it be connected? And is it likely to come back Can you give me any insight? Thank You Reita Stephens
Enbrel and potential birth defects ???
What kind of birth defects would we be looking at if my husband was on Enbrel when I got pregnant? My son has some muscle issues and wondering if they are some how connected
Is it possible to have both RA and AS?
I have been recently diagnosed with RA, but am also having symptoms that relate to AS–plus I have HLA-B27 marker. Is it possible to have both RA and AS?
Humira and low dose MTX not working for RA
I was diagnosed just about a year ago. I have been on Humira injections since May of 08 and have been taking methatrexate since mid December. I started with 3 pills a week and I am up to 5. Nothing seems to work. I continue to have swelling and pain in my fingers and hands and pain in my feet and knees every day. The only thing that seems to work is 15mg of prednisone daily. Should I stay on the prednisone or talk to my doctor about a different medication.