My husband has AS and we have been trying to decide what kind of bed would be most ideal for him. We’ve heard mixed reviews about the Tempur-pedic and good reviewes about the Sleep Number beds, but they are incredibly expensive. Are these kinds of beds really best for AS or is there something we should look for that is ideal for his condition? Thank you.
Ankle Replacement instead of Ankle Bonding?
I have had both knees replaced my right hip twice and now I will have surgery to remove the vein in my left elbow to eleviate the numbness i’m experiencing in my hand.I have a high tolerance to pain. After my second knee surgery I was up doing physial therapy the same day. Is there a surgery to reconstruct my ankle(s)? I’ve been told that they can be bonded I don’t think i would like that.
Should I find a new Rheumatologist?
My doctor sent me to a Rheumatologist because I was waking up with puffy eyes and a dry mouth. I have also complained of restless legs, depression, carpal tunnel in my hands and numbness in my upper right back and feet, and stiffness in the morning and afer sitting. The Rheumatologist said I had a 96.9 % RA or RF factor, although I have no swelling except my knuckles are a bit larger. He put me on plaquenil and I had a severe itching reaction, so I had to stop taking it. I am now on methotrexate. Shortly after starting it, I developed a yeast infection. It does not seem to respond to Diflucan as a treatment. Could I be misdiagnosed? My sister has Scleroderma and my brother had a massive lymphoma at 17 that was treated and is in remission. Should I get a second opinion?
Corisone Shots and High Blood Pressure
is it safe to have cortisone shot with high blood pressure in the left shoulder. 2 times in 2 months my dad had this done both times he was in hospital with severe chest pains. and shoulder never stoped hurting.????
Efficacy of Plaquenil versus a generic Hydroxychloroquine formulation
Has anyone ever questioned or compared the efficacy of Plaquenil versus a generic Hydroxychloroquine formulation? Is there any way to verify that the medications being purchased through my local pharmacy are not counterfit?
Bone Density Scanning and Osteoarthritis
Is it true that the onset of osteoarthritis (specifically in the left hip and parts of the spine) is sometimes marked by increased bone density in the affected joint(s)? If bone density is measured at the onset of OA using these joints, might not the results be misleading, i.e., perhaps indicating that bones are generally healthier than they may actually be?