My sister has a white blood cell count which is usally around 3,000 to 4,000 since she has been on methotrexate. She takes methotrexate injections 20mg per week. Could either of these or the combination of these two make her more susceptible to breast cancer. She recently had a breast biopsy done for a breast mass. Thankfully it came back negative. Should she talk to her rheumatologist about decreasing her MTX dose? or Is this totally unrelated?
Synvisc effective when patient has bone on bone in the joint?
I had a severe left knee injury at age 17 that resulted in cartilage removal from the inside of the joint (instep side) and removal of the ACL ( torn completely). Now 31 years later – of bone on bone wear – I have started having fluid build up and pain. Clinic I am at attempted cortizone which resulted in 3-4 weeks of relief before symptoms returned. Now I am two days away from a 3rd Synvisc shot ( 3/3). At each treatment, the knee is drained ( 140 cc, then 40 cc). I have received no relief from the Synvisc. Fluid builds up within hours, the joint mobility is limited and unstable. I can hobble around some and I am able to oeprate with 1 crutch at times. Is this result understood with Synvisc? Is Synvisc only intended to be used on patients with cartilage in their joints? My physician doesn’t seem to have an answer.
High Tibial Osteotomy
I have bilateral geno varum deformity , slightly worse on the right side, and feel mild pain in the inner side of my right knee after a long walk. I have been advised by an orthopedics surgeon to undergo High Tibial Osteotomy. I would like to know which hospitals/ medical centers in the U.S have good experience in Computer- assisted high tibial osteotomy.
Stopping Methotrexate
Have been on methotrexate 20mg (8/@2.5mg) for about a year and 1/2. Recently moved and have a new Rheumatoligist who did his own blood test and x-rays, according to him he cannot find the blood factor or damage to any joints to prove that I have RA. I would like to know can I stop taking methotrexate or do I have to ween off of it slowly? Or should I even be thinking of stopping the meds? I have not had the pain or stiffness like I use to in about 2 months. For 3 months I have been seperated from my husband, a very bad situation that I was in for 12 years. I have been reading up on stress and what that can cause and do to a person. My body feels so much better, what do you make of this? Thank you, Loretta
Are pneumonia vaccinations recommended for patients on biologics?
I am currently on enbrel and methotrexate for my psoriatic arthritis. I see that flu shots are recommended for those on biologics. My question, are pnuemonia vaccines also recommended? Two years prior to my PA diagnosis I had a bad case of bronchial pnuemonia and now have a mild case of asma.
Proper subcutaneous injection technique
I did an experiment, I am on enbrel for 3 months now and was getting a reaction at the site each time, so for 4 injections I pressed the auto injector down into my thigh a bit harder and notiiced no reaction at the site, it bled a little but that was all. So this past week I let up and did it with a lighter pressure and low and behold got a reaction. My question is do you think when it goes in a bit deeper it keeps it from pooling in the upper dermis and irratating the surrounding tissue? Has anyone looked into this?