I have Rheumatoid factor of 440. I realize this is high. But what is the severity of my RA with a factor this high? My ccp is 33 and SED Rate is 25. I am 43 and just discovered this 2 weeks ago, due to foot and shoulder pain. Could you please give me some guidance.
The affect of Rheumatoid Arthritis on quality of life
I have just started dating someone. She told me she has RA. I basically knew nothing about it. I want to learn more now. My main question is how does having RA affect one’s quality of life?
Severe Avascular Necrosis
I recently took four short courses of steroids between Sept. 06 and Apr. 07. In May/june, I developed lower back and thigh pain. An xray of the hip revealed (according to radiologist’s reading) abormalities in both hips and severe avascular necrosis A subsequent bone scan and MRI, however revealed no evidence of AVN, though it said there was coxa magna etc and abnormalities in both femoral heads most likely due to Perthes. I took the films to an orthapedist who said the damage was old and most likely old Legg-Calve Perthes. I am 48 year old female with no memory of any problems in childhood at all. Can I be sure that there is not current AVN, given that this was first time in my life I took steroids? Can any good orthapedist (this one specializes in hips, knees and trained at Johns Hopkins I believe) say with certainty that there is no current problem based upon xray, mri and physical exam? Is there something specific in the films that can determine that this was an old problem and not a current one from the taking of steroids (regardless of dosage). Knowing the importance of catching AVN early, I wonder whether a second opinion is necessary. Are such discrepancies between xray and mri common in AVN and Legg Perthes?
Minocycline Trials
Why do you guys ignore the NIH study that proved in a placebo controlled trial minocycline was far more effective than placebo for RA? There is also a correlation w RA and an animal model with the microbe mycoplasma. Dont patients have a right to know this? On your page the reasearch is funded by drug companies, could that be why?
Methotrexate and Fatigue
I take 20 mg. MTX the next day, I am so tired I can not hardly move, is this normal.
Humira and Lupron Interactions?
I am currently taking humira for AS but I also have endometriosis which I was taking the lupron injections for is there any drug interactions if I took both.