My brother lives in West Virginia and is having symptoms that have been preliminarily diagnosed as osteoarthritis. However, the physicians in the small town where he lives are unequipped to handle his treatment. Is there any physician in Morgantown that you can recommend he visit for further evaluation and treatment?
RA and Pain
I don’t “live” right now, I just “exist” from day to day. My treatment for RA is Rituxan infusions, Prednisone only for extreme flares (I refuse to take it otherwise) and Valium for sleep. I am currently pregnant and off my medications; however, my OBGYN said that it is safe to take the Valium since I am in my 3rd trimester. Even with the Valium, I am taking much less than I am permitted. My unborn child is very healthy and I am being monitored closely. I am so tired and in so much daily pain. I would give almost anything to have just a few minutes of painlessness – like I used to be. I am tired of medications, needles – it all seems useless. The RA affects my breathing at times, my back, neck, hips, toes. I worry that I will not be able to take care of my child that I am carrying. How much pain is one expected to take? Do you think that there will be a cure? What do you think about stem cell treatments for RA? I am physically and mentally exhausted from this disease and the research that I do every day to see if someone can help me. I am having a really difficult time. I will never accept this disease. I just want out of this body of mine. After my child is born, I would be willing to do any research trials that are going on; I have nothing to lose at this point. Can you help me in any way?
Boniva vs. Fosamax, comparable doses?
If once a month Boniva is 150 mg how can it be comparable to Fosamax, which is approximately 70mg a week,I believe.70 mg times 4 or 5 weeks = 280/350 mg?
An expert in Lyme Arthritis?
I was infected with LYME disease at least in 04/2006 when I first had swelling on the left hip (limping) and shooting pain on both legs. Since the problem disappeared after a week, the problem was ignored. It was only in 10/2006 when my right knee swelled, I am diagnosed and treated with two months oral therapy of doxycycline. However, after the medication, the joint problem lingered around, in 04/2007 my left knee swell again. Meanwhile, I noticed symptoms of headache, blurry vision and recently heart problems and shortness of breath. The doctors I am seeing insisted that the LYME has been treated, in fact they seem to only thinking about early LYME and not at all familiar with more complicated forms of later LYME (therefore deny even the possibility). Since the symptoms are progressing, I am desperated trying to find an experienced doctor in DC or nearby area. Could you please advise?
Possible resistance to Remicade?
I have lupus and sjogren syndrome started on remicade and now are going every month. It was working but last month they increased my dose and this has made me back to square one-pain and tried all the time. I know I have to be on mtx at the same time but it make me more tired-so I stopped it for the other months and restarted this month-but only did it one time. Could I be rejecting the remicade now. They told me that could happen. On the lower dose I had great engery and felt great -little pain and stiffness-Should I ask to go back to the lower dose?
What do you think of ELISA testing for ANA as opposed to IFA testing?
What do you think of ELISA testing for ANA as opposed to IFA testing?