I had posted this question earlier, however, I cannot find it posted on the forum. Possibly I did it incorrectly or this forum is not active. Anyways, here goes: My 21-yr old son had went to the doctor with a concern of his left index finger going cold and numb. After ultrasound and arteriogram, it was discovered he has one vessel instead of two in that finger. He was than referred to a hematologist who did a thorough workup which sent him to a GI specialist with a diagnosis Gilbert’s syndrome because of an elevated bilirubin. The GI also found an enlarged spleen. He also had a Positive ANA which brought him to a rheumatologist. After repeated blood work, he feels he has enough to diagnose him with lupus. He notes an antiphospholipid antibody, positive ANA, low platelet (but not critical) Non-Smiths test that alternated positive, negative and a DNA test. He originally stated he probably has an antiphospholipid problem that is sometimes diagnosed with lupus, but since he had no symptoms, can be a condition in itself. He is currently on an aspirin a day for this. His theory about the finger was he may have traumatized it being a goalkeeper in soccer and because he has thicker blood, it may have clotted the vessel. I had attempted to seek a second opinion to a teaching hospital, but my insurance (First Priority HMO) has denied it; since, their are rheumatologists in my Scranton Area. I am very frustrated and need some guidance on this. Can this be a correct diagnosis without symptoms? The doctor tells my son to stay out of the sun because it can cause a flareup, but he has spent 2 summers in the direct sun 8-10 hours a day doing landscaping, with no flareups or symptoms, rashes, etc? Does this make sense? I would appreciate any advise in what direction I should take with this problem. A Mom from PA
differentiating symptoms
I am a bit frustrated with my “worrisome self” over my health. I have a positive DX for DLE (skin issues, 1:80 ANA, low WBC). I sometimes worry that SLE will soon strike. What would you suggest for a patient like myself. Everytime some strange bug or illness comes my way I trouble myself with the question “Is this Lupus-SLE or is this simple a bug or simply signs of getting older.(aches / pains / fatigue / etc.) Without rushing to my Doctor….what rule of thumb would you suggest in differentiating what’s Lupus and what’s not.
Can Lupus Prevent Pregnancy?
I was pregnant last year and had a miscarriage. My husband and I have been trying to become pregnant for the last two or three months but haven’t been successful. My question is can my lupus prevent me from getting pregnant and can it prevent me from ever becoming pregnant? Also, could my lupus have caused my miscarriage?
Teenage-hormones may have started Lupus
My 13 year old daughter started getting white itchy lumps on her fingers knuckles and hands with turned red and led to terrible scaring. The doctor had not seen anything like them. With in a month she had terrible allergy symptoms, hives(big) and wee itchy spots and swollen feet, hands and eyes. Doctor sent her to skin speciallist 2 weeks later we find out she may have some sort of arthritis or Lupus due to positive ANA. Week later she devlopes photosensitivity. 2 weeks later we are waiting to see a specialist to find out if there is any more damage and work out what she may have. I think that doctor said she had the double-stranded DNA without the andibody. I know it is not much to go on at the moment but I just want some possibiliies of what it could be so the outcome will not be so daunting.
Positive/Negative Lupus Test Results
I tested positive for Lupus and my doctor tested me again and I was negative. My doctor is a Rheumatologist and he told me that he would test me periodically to see if anything develops. I have since changed doctors and need to know if I should be tested again for this. I have a rash on both sides of my nose occasionally. And, I have skin discoloration on both of my upper arms, could this be Lupus?
Pain and/or swelling in fingers wrists ankles feet
About two months ago I developed tenderness and swelling in the joint of my right middle finger and in the webbing between that finger and my hand. At the beginning of October, an orthopedist gave me an injection to relieve the pain and swelling in the finger instead of putting me on anti-inflammatory medicine because I was having an endoscopy on my pancreas in mid October. I have been diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis. I do not have a history of alcohol abuse and I have never smoked. Since the beginning of October, the swelling and tenderness has gotten worse and it has spread to a few more fingers in both hands. My wrists are tender to the touch and hurt. My ankles hurt, even when I lightly touch them. The bottoms of my feet hurt. I have been wearing a Fentynl patch since my release from the hospital on October 17. Even with this pain medicine, which works on my serious pancreatic pain, it is not provide relief for the pain in my joints. Because pancreatitis is is caused by an inflammation, is there any chance that whatever is causing the inflammation and pain in my joints, could have something to do with my pancreas as well. My internist saw me last week and said he doesn’t know what would cause this type of pain or swelling. I was checked several years ago for lupus because of neuropathy that I have in my lower extremities and fingertips and lower arms, but the exam was was negative. Could anyone make a suggestion on where I should see help?