My mother is in her late 70’s and has osteoporosis. She has constant excruciating pain in her stomach area. She’s been seen by several doctors, but none can find anything wrong. Can you offer any suggestions?
Bone Density Reading
What is the normal reading for this?
Actonel vs. Fosamax
I have been taking fosamax for a little over two months and i am having a problem with constipation. Will actonel give me the same problem?
Re: actonel vs. fosamax
Is liver damage a side effect of taking fosamax?
I read somewhere (cantremember where) that fosamax is no lomger is effective after being taken for five years? Is this true?
Is a 2.6 bone density number, is this too low?
My original bone denisty was -2.5 about 5 years ago. Two years ago it was up to -2.0. The latest reading is -2.6 and is primarily in the hips. I have been on Fosamx for 5 years. My doctor doesn’t recommend any other treatment, he says there isn’t any. He told me that 2.6 is not something to worry about and that I could have another bone density and it could come back a higher number, that these things vary. I am 70 and worryng about breaking a hip. Some advice please.