which is the better choice, synvisc or euflexxa? I have OA in both my knees and need to have the injections. My doctor said the choice was mine.
These are just two of several agents used in OA called viscosupplements which contain hyaluronic acid. The medications you mention are inected directly into the knee joint once a week for 3 weeks. There are otheres that are five injections, and one that is a single injection. All are for treatment of pain in osteoarthritis in knee in patients who have failed nonpharmacologic treatment and simple analgesics. They are so much alike that we would not recommend one over the other. Check with your insurance company, they may have a preffered medicaiton. These injections work for some people but not all. Some people can experience a flare up of joint pain after the injection. If this happens, you should contact your doctor.