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IRB: IRB00123172
Purpose of Study: This research is being done to understand why autoimmune disease develops after certain cancer treatments and how to best monitor and manage patients with this issue. We also want to study participants with pre-existing autoimmune disease to understand how to safely use immunotherapy for cancer treatment in this group of people.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Age > 18
- Patients on immune checkpoint inhibitors to treat cancer with new or existing autoimmune or inflammatory symptoms
Study Status:
Specialty Center:
Michelle K. Jones, B.S.
(410) 550-9674
Principal Investigator:
Laura Cappelli, MD, MHS, MS
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Her research focuses on inflammatory arthritis and on the effects of cancer immunotherapy. Dr. Cappelli started a research program to evaluate the rheumatologic adverse effects of cancer immunotherapy. Dr. Cappelli is investigating several different aspects of these adverse events including the clinical characteristics, epidemiology, impact on patients, and the biologic mechanisms.